Our Curriculum
Read more below about our curriculum, The Creative Curriculum, and also about our learning philosophy.

About Our Learning Philosophy
Our goal at Northwest Christian Childcare is to facilitate a learning environment that meets children’s developmental needs – where all children feel safe and comfortable and that they belong. As a result, they are helped to become independent and confident learners.
We are a Christian-based childcare center, and we make learning fun. With chapel time, Bible stories and music, we are teaching your children lessons that will stay with them throughout their entire lives. In addition to these programs, we are sure to provide The Creative Curriculum in every classroom. We have a curriculum coordinator on site, and we are able to ensure that we are meeting the guidelines while providing an atmosphere where each child feels welcome, safe and excited about learning.
We understand that this is an important stage of development and learning in your children’s lives. Our three nurseries and each of our classrooms are separated by developmental stages so you know that learning, growing, and living is in everything we do, and never stops.
While we teach and care for your children, we believe that your family is a fundamental aspect of your child’s life. In this way, we make a point to create a family atmosphere, doing everything we can to meet each family’s needs on an individual basis whenever possible. With a ministry focus we are always here for our children and their families.
About The Creative Curriculum
The Creative Curriculum is an early childhood education program that demonstrates and provides a framework for how to incorporate core learning objectives into everyday experience and play, in and outside of the classroom. It encourages guided learning and a teaching style which focuses on meeting children where they are by stage of development, both as individuals and as part of a group. The Creative Curriculum encourages purposeful observation of children at play and a variety of creative approaches to the classroom that ensure all parties—teacher, child and family—an active role in the learning process. Using The Creative Curriculum, each classroom seeks to find the balance between applying a general knowledge of child development with the particular knowledge a teacher gains by forming a relationship with each child and family.
There are four primary categories of goals and objectives for The Creative Curriculum classroom. These include:
- Social/Emotional Development: Children are growing in their sense of self, learning responsibility for self and others, and learning pro-social behavior.
- Physical Development: Children are developing gross motor and fine motor skills.
- Cognitive Development: Children are learning problem solving, developing logical thinking, and symbolic thinking.
- Language Development: Children are developing listening and speaking skills, early reading and writing skills.
Listed below are just a few of the highlights of The Creative Curriculum:
- Children are encouraged to experiment, explore and pursue their own unique interests.
- Teachers provide opportunities for every child to pursue his or her special talents and demonstrate areas of strength.
- Classrooms are organized into interest areas designed to foster fun learning experiences through daily activities.
To learn more about how we utilize The Creative Curriculum here at NWCCC, be sure to check out our programs!

Contact Us For More Information
If you are interested in childcare or you would simply like to inquire more information about our services, please fill out the short form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Don't feel like filling out the form? Give us a call at 614-451-4412.
Our Location
Northwest Christian Childcare Center
5707 Olentangy River Road
Columbus, OH 43235
Phone: 614-451-4412
Email: info@northwestchurch.org